Customer Reviews

5 out of 5 stars!

five stars


Beautiful heartfelt story of love, courage, and Faith.

Journey of Faith is the beautiful yet heart wrenching story of Faith Shaw and her lifelong battle with Cystic Fibrosis. It is not accurate to say that Faith finally succumbed to this horrible illness. Instead, she lived a bigger life in her 18 years that many completely healthy people do in a lifetime. Even in death, Faith was the champion. The book, written by Susan Shaw, Faith’s mother, allows the reader to step into the life of Faith and her family, the medical battles, the personal struggles, the triumphs, and the crushing blows and the grief they all endured. Throughout it all, the unending faith, courage, tenacity, and love of Faith and her family keeps you reading, hoping, and praying. Read and enjoy this beautiful heartfelt story. It is worth the heartache and tears to reach Faith’s final glorious triumph.


Remarkable Story

This story of Faith’s journey through cystic fibrosis is beautifully told. Faith’s tenacity to fight and also her decision to never let go of what God had for her is inspiring. Faith’s mom, Susan, tells Faith’s story in an honest and wonderful way.

Deeply Moving

I was deeply moved by the beauty and roughness of Faith’s journey. The author does an excellent job taking the reader behind the scenes into the physical and emotional roller coaster ride of cystic fibrosis. The raw honesty in which it was written made me feel like I wasn’t just reading about it, but that I was actually a part of it. I was brought both to tears, as well as a feeling of awe for Faith, whose bravery and wisdom was far beyond her years. 

A very heart wrenching yet positive story.

I have never met Faith or Susan in person. I was very familiar with their story I came to know them through it over the years. You can know someone’s problems but never know the real details. This book will touch your heart on every page. Faith was an extraordinary young lady who faced great challenges with her health and faith. She had great family support from her mother and 2 sisters, Susan has done a wonderful job telling Faith’s story.

Wonderful, heartfelt read

This is an excellent true story of the inspiring journey of Faith Shaw as she not only survived, but thrived living with Cystic Fibrosis. Written by her Mother, the book is not only educational, but a story of faith and triumph, a story of grace and courage, and story of deep love and unimaginable loss. I would highly recommend it to anyone dealing with the loss of a loved one, especially a child, anyone needing knowledge of CF, and anyone who wants to hear a modern day story of an unshakable Faith.

Grab the Tissues!

A riveting story of courage, strength, fierce love, and what it truly means to be held by our heavenly Father. It will both encourage you and tear at your heart. Buckle up; It’s a wild ride – you’ll be trying to catch your breath! Oh, and grab the tissues!

A Must Read

What a wonderfully personal story of a caregiver mom and her beautiful daughter who was born with Cystic Fibrosis. You feel the pain, frustration, hope and triumphs they both experienced along their journey. Hearing from Faith, the daughter, gives you a glimpse into her thoughts and feelings as well. This book will definitely raise your level of empathy for those with chronic diseases and even more so for those who care for them. It’s a must read.

True Story Of A Vibrant, Remarkable Young Life!

Faith’s story is without a doubt true to the title of this book: it is a remarkable journey filled with hard-fought battles, refuges of joy, and many, many heartaches. But through it all, common threads of love, community, and (you guessed it) faith are all woven in. This book offers insight to both the “ordinary” and extraordinary facets of her too-short life and the tremendous impact she made with it. I say “ordinary” because we see things Faith had to deal with that were just regular parts of her world, even though so much of what she endured day to day would make the rest of us weary.

Not that she wasn’t ever weary, which is something I think this book accomplishes so well. We are not only shown Faith’s tenacity, determination, and grace, but her anger, despair, and rough edges. It’s incredible and necessary to see all of this because it makes her triumph over Cystic Fibrosis, the double lung transplant, and even the circumstances of her death that much more impactful. Faith’s perseverance through all of this pain until she ultimately died on her own terms is not something that’s ordinary at all. I’ve always been in awe of her, and after moving forward through life for nearly five years now without her, this book helped bring that awe back to the forefront. I am also amazed at how much Susan (Faith’s mother and the author) was able to recall! While Faith’s life was too brief, it was full, and the thorough way Susan included everything she did is a testament of great love and dedication.

As Faith’s sister, this book was so hard and so rewarding. I ache to be with her again; reading helped me achieve that in some way while also serving as a stark reminder that she only exists on Earth anymore through our collective memories. I really hope anyone considering reading this book will do so in that spirit: to remember her as fully as possible, celebrating her vibrant life and honoring the death she so bravely faced.

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