About Faith

Faith Mackenzie Shaw was a vivacious, feisty, energetic, loving, quirky, funny teenager who loved competition dance, art, photography, and puppies. She loved the Lord, her family, and her friends deeply and passionately. She always lived large, living life to the fullest as much as it was within her power, because she knew her life would more than likely be cut shorter than most. Faith was burdened with cystic fibrosis (CF), a life-shortening genetic disease that caused frequent lung infections and difficulty gaining weight. 

Even through all of the struggles and challenges she faced with CF, Faith refused to let her disease define her and always rose above what CF should have allowed her to do. She exhibited a strength, perseverance, courage and tenacity that was unmatched by many. “Journey of Faith” tells the story of not only her journey with CF and her eventual double-lung transplant, but also the journey of her remarkable faith in God – even when saddled with questions and doubt – and the beautiful legacy she left behind.

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